Thursday, October 9, 2008


-an unvarying form or pattern; specif., a fixed or conventional notion or conception, as of a person, group, idea, etc., held by a number of people, and allowing for no individuality, critical judgment, etc.

Every High school has its clicks,some worse than others.You have the typical jocks, preps, emos, punks, goths, stoners, geeks, hicks...whatever. Why do kids need to label other kids?What is the point of this nonsense?This could possibly be a reason why kids shoot up schools and fall in to gang violence everyday.For example,the jocks think that they are better than everybody else because they have money, the hottest girl, and an imaginary football career ahead of them.The goths hate the jocks because they wish they had what the jocks did.All different kinds of groups clash but what none of them realize is that we are all alike!Sure we all like different things but if you got together with another click then they could see what others are in to and maybe even get interested in something new.Honestly we could all get along if we didn't have an imaginary line that splits normal people in to imaginary groups.


Codyyy970 said...

yea!! now lets sit by a campfire and sing coombie ya(oops i spelt that wrong)

Dr. P said...

Why do kids need to label other kids?

What is the point of this nonsense?

Here goes...

I'm going to try to answer these questions for the best I can. I think the reason kids label and stereotype other kids is 2 fold.

First, I think it's a sort of defense mechanism. By putting a quick label on someone, it assures your own fragile ego that you understand that person, that you figured them out. It's a lot easier and more comfortable personally if in your own mind you believe you have a person completely figured out. The unknown is scary for some and this is just a way for you to try to make sense out of something that you really can't.

Second, I think there are some biological factors involved. The brain in constantly struggling to make sense out of a world of chaos. One way the brain does this is by grouping, breaking down, and classifying different aspects of the outside world into explainable and understandble components. In essence, this is exactly the same as stereotyping.

Now, despite these reasons, I believe an educated and thoughtful person can and should overcome these dilemas. Clearly, the world would be a lot better off without stereotypes and labels, and people would be a lot more likely to freely express themselves.