Monday, October 6, 2008


Hey my name is Brooke I am a junior at Hayden High.You probably have no idea where that is because I'm pretty sure we are not on any map.But if you do happen to have a map we are probably the little black dot to the left of Steamboat Springs.I think I am pretty much like every other teenager, I don't like school, don't agree with my parents, and think that authority figures pretty much blow.I work hard in school but get nowhere it seems, but I do have a job.The only down side is is that if I work a full 8 hour day I still can't pay for a gallon of gas, but i guess thats how most jobs are now days.I'm not too much of an optimist because I think that they like to pump sunishine in places it shouldn't be and i don't like to get my hopes up too high just to let them fall.Who knows maybe I'm just not having a good day so excuse me if this blog sounds EMO!!!!!!!ahahahahahaha emo thats a blog for another day.


Codyyy970 said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH your sooo freaking funny brook! HAHAHA!!.....jokes.....

Dr. P said...

Cool blog, even though I'm positive your not just "like every other teenager" ... and thats what's great about you.