Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Censorship...... :(

The internet is a place to explore, learn, and be creative but here at Hayden High School that is not an option.Every other website, that could be any where from pornography to the Telletubbies, is blocked and to get it unblocked we have to request it with an extremely valid reason.Our entire web design class had to ask for to be unblocked just so we could do a simple assignment.So needless to say,our work for that day had to come to a stop because it takes 24 hours + to get any site unblocked.This has made even doing a simple informative speech or research paper very difficult to do because the sites we need for the assignments are always blocked.It is very discouraging when even teachers get upset because they can't get on to these sites either.I learned that the internet was like this before school started and it was all because i heard a teacher saying "There is no way the internet is going to work like this, I can't wait to see the kids try and do work on it."Yeah real nice....Right now I am trying to make a website based on Tim Burton's films and so far I have come up with just two sites that are even closely related to him.Who knows when I will get this done?I will admit that there are some kids that do get on sites that are inappropriate for class time,but why punish those who don't???


Codyyy970 said...

Yeaaaaa. they should either unblock websites or just hire a guy(on minimum wage) to site there and unblock the websites we need!

Anonymous said...

I like how u have very strong opinions and i almost threw a computer out the window the other day cause everything was blocked on warren sapp on dancing with the stars.