Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Albert Einstein

Imagination is more
important than
-Albert Einstein
Now days imagination becomes more useful to our everyday lives rather than knowledge. Sure, if you have knowledge you can get in to the best colleges get a good job and live the high roller life style raking in the dough. But is that really what will make you happy?There are rich folk living all over the world right now that aren't ever happy, and they aren't married because average people find them boring.Now, if they had used imagination instead of their brain hen they might have found a lifestyle they enjoy more than being a yup. If you have imagination you can turn any plain old day in to the best you have ever had.Artists are very successful but that's because they twist and turn their ideas with their imagination and make it in to a masterpiece that is all just layed out on paper with their pens and pencils.Imagination can also make you alot of money but you don't have to work very hard just by using the right side of your brain and applying yourself.I would rather have a creative imagination than have boring, bland knowledge,anyday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how u r tlkin about both knowledge & imagination and tlkin about wat u could be if u had a good imagination or had alot of knowledge.