Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the who?!?

Joe the plumber is an idiot that owns a small business that freaked out over the tax increase for small businesses.He actually isn't a licensed plumber and owes about 10k back in taxes.What I don't think he understood is that if his business didn't grow then it wouldn't be taxed as much.These large corporations are making all this money but still being taxed just as much as all the small businesses.We do need to "spread" the wealth around because then the lower class people wouldn't need to rely on everybody else for help.Obama said that these increases would happen because most small businesses make less than $250,000 a year.Obama wants to give the lower class average people a break.He was mentioned 11 times in the presidential debates 9 times by McCain and 2 by Obama.I would personally not want to be president its way way too much drama.But tax cuts and breaks for lower to middle class people would be a great idea!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mac vs PC

Macintosh makes both the hardware and the software for their computers, so when you call for help they fix the problem instead of blaming it all on the hardware/software manufacturer.Pretty much anything these days is mac compatible.Macs are pretty pricey but have a less chance of contracting a virus and don't freeze as often.I would pretty much have to say i would go with an Apple Mac.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Most kids want grinding to be allowed at their schools and I also do of course.I don't go to dances here in Hayden for that very reason, this is how we dance now days and if you old timers don't like you can not watch.As Dr.P said each generation changes its style of dancing, and each one has got to express their style.Sure the parents don't like the way we dance, but they also don't like the way we talk, walk, dress, do our make-up, our hair, and anything else that can possibly make them complain. Mrs.Hanson last year told us that when we come in to school we leave most of our rights behind.For example, freedom of speech, we cannot walk in to the school and say anything without getting in to trouble.So basically we don't have any rights that the schools don't want us to have. But until there is "bumping and grinding" at the dances I won't go to them or help raise money for them.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


-an unvarying form or pattern; specif., a fixed or conventional notion or conception, as of a person, group, idea, etc., held by a number of people, and allowing for no individuality, critical judgment, etc.

Every High school has its clicks,some worse than others.You have the typical jocks, preps, emos, punks, goths, stoners, geeks, hicks...whatever. Why do kids need to label other kids?What is the point of this nonsense?This could possibly be a reason why kids shoot up schools and fall in to gang violence everyday.For example,the jocks think that they are better than everybody else because they have money, the hottest girl, and an imaginary football career ahead of them.The goths hate the jocks because they wish they had what the jocks did.All different kinds of groups clash but what none of them realize is that we are all alike!Sure we all like different things but if you got together with another click then they could see what others are in to and maybe even get interested in something new.Honestly we could all get along if we didn't have an imaginary line that splits normal people in to imaginary groups.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Censorship...... :(

The internet is a place to explore, learn, and be creative but here at Hayden High School that is not an option.Every other website, that could be any where from pornography to the Telletubbies, is blocked and to get it unblocked we have to request it with an extremely valid reason.Our entire web design class had to ask for to be unblocked just so we could do a simple assignment.So needless to say,our work for that day had to come to a stop because it takes 24 hours + to get any site unblocked.This has made even doing a simple informative speech or research paper very difficult to do because the sites we need for the assignments are always blocked.It is very discouraging when even teachers get upset because they can't get on to these sites either.I learned that the internet was like this before school started and it was all because i heard a teacher saying "There is no way the internet is going to work like this, I can't wait to see the kids try and do work on it."Yeah real nice....Right now I am trying to make a website based on Tim Burton's films and so far I have come up with just two sites that are even closely related to him.Who knows when I will get this done?I will admit that there are some kids that do get on sites that are inappropriate for class time,but why punish those who don't???

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Albert Einstein

Imagination is more
important than
-Albert Einstein
Now days imagination becomes more useful to our everyday lives rather than knowledge. Sure, if you have knowledge you can get in to the best colleges get a good job and live the high roller life style raking in the dough. But is that really what will make you happy?There are rich folk living all over the world right now that aren't ever happy, and they aren't married because average people find them boring.Now, if they had used imagination instead of their brain hen they might have found a lifestyle they enjoy more than being a yup. If you have imagination you can turn any plain old day in to the best you have ever had.Artists are very successful but that's because they twist and turn their ideas with their imagination and make it in to a masterpiece that is all just layed out on paper with their pens and pencils.Imagination can also make you alot of money but you don't have to work very hard just by using the right side of your brain and applying yourself.I would rather have a creative imagination than have boring, bland knowledge,anyday!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Hey my name is Brooke I am a junior at Hayden High.You probably have no idea where that is because I'm pretty sure we are not on any map.But if you do happen to have a map we are probably the little black dot to the left of Steamboat Springs.I think I am pretty much like every other teenager, I don't like school, don't agree with my parents, and think that authority figures pretty much blow.I work hard in school but get nowhere it seems, but I do have a job.The only down side is is that if I work a full 8 hour day I still can't pay for a gallon of gas, but i guess thats how most jobs are now days.I'm not too much of an optimist because I think that they like to pump sunishine in places it shouldn't be and i don't like to get my hopes up too high just to let them fall.Who knows maybe I'm just not having a good day so excuse me if this blog sounds EMO!!!!!!!ahahahahahaha emo thats a blog for another day.